Liposuction for Men
Dr. Miguel Gallegos
Despite spending hours every week in the gym, men sometimes have stubborn pockets of fat. No matter which exercises they try or how much they pay a personal trainer, it can be impossible to get rid of love handles or excess fat on the chest. These men think they’ll never have the six-pack abs they want. Instead of working out more or reducing the number of calories they consume every day, those with this dilemma should consider male plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is often thought of as something women do to enhance their appearance but men are using it more and more to improve the look of their chests and abs.
Liposuction is the most effective way to get rid of stubborn fat around the midsection. The results of the procedure are often dramatic, especially for men who spend a lot of time working on their abs at the gym. Liposuction alone will generally not create a six-pack but it will help define the abdominal area so strong abs are more visible. When fat is also removed from the upper abs and chest, men may achieve the V shape they hoped for when they purchased their gym membership.
Like liposuction for women, liposuction for men often improves self esteem and enables patients to wear clothing that makes them feel more attractive. Today there are many more options than traditional liposuction. Surgeons may offer procedures that help them contour a man’s body with an without surgery. Removing the fat with liposuction is only one way to get a slimmer waist and more defined abs. Men should consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon to learn how liposuction for men and other sculpting methods can help them get the body they desire.
All surgical procedures involve a certain amount of risk. Men who are considering liposuction should listen to all the potential risks and take the necessary precautions to ensure they get the best results. An experience surgeon should offer plenty of before and after pictures so a patient can know what to realistically expect from the procedure. They may also offer references or testimonials from prior patients who were satisfied with their own results.