Silicone and Saline: Comparing the Different Breast Implant Types
Dr. Miguel Gallegos
When it comes to breast augmentation, women have a couple of big decisions to make. For those looking to increase breast size, the type of implant is one of the most important factors to consider. While both silicone and saline offer an increase in the shape and size of the breast, each of the breast implant types have different pros and cons. Women and their plastic surgeons should discuss both Breast Implant Types and which would be best for each specific situations.
Silicone Breast Implant Type
The silicone breast implants tend to look and feel more like real breasts. They can be placed underneath or over the muscle, depending on the look a woman is going for. They come prefilled in various sizes. An incision can be made under the breast, around the nipple, or even in the underarm in order to place the implant in the correct location. Once there, they create a natural appearance. While ruptures are uncommon, when they do take place, it takes time for a woman to notice what has happened. The silicone implants also tend to be more expensive than saline.
Saline Breast Implant Type
The saline breast implants offer a completely different look and feel. The actual implant is a silicone covered shell that holds the saline. Once the implant is in the body, it can be filled with saline until the implant has reached the desired size. This less expensive option is available to any woman over the age of eighteen. Because they are filled inside the body, the incisions tend to be small with less scarring. When a saline implant ruptures, the results are immediately obvious, making it possible to have the problem taken care of right away. On the downside, these implants weigh more than silicone and there is some concern when it comes to downward displacement. Implants made of saline tend to feel different, in some cases, less natural than the silicone alternative.
So which implant is best? Each woman is different and wants something different for her body. It is important to speak with a plastic surgeon about each implant option, learning more about the pros and cons before making a decision. For some, the saline option is less expensive and still delivers great results. Others are more interested in the look and feel of the breast and opt for silicone instead.