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BOTOX® in Albuquerque, NM

38 Procedures ( View All )


Have you looked at some of your past photographs and noticed how much your face has aged? We generally don’t notice as much by looking in the mirror each day because the aging process is so gradual, but when you look at yourself even five years ago, you may notice some creases and wrinkles that just were not there back then. Fortunately, you can discuss your wrinkles with our experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Miguel Gallegos, to ease those lines with BOTOX injections. Wrinkle formation is one way we can judge a person’s age. The wrinkles tend to start forming around the eyes (Crow's feet), forehead, and mouth because of years of contracting the muscles around those areas from frowning, laughing, and squinting. The procedure involving BOTOX can be performed at Hermosa Plastic Surgery (even in our MedSpa) in an outpatient setting in Albuquerque, NM.

BOTOX is an injectable treatment that offers outstanding results and is very common among both women and men. This injectable can make a significant improvement to dynamic lines, which are made from expressive movement with the contracting muscles on the forehead and around the eyes. These facial lines go away when the face is relaxed, but dynamic folds can still remain. This muscle relaxer is a clean and purified strain of type A botulinum toxin that temporarily freezes the movements of the facial muscle. To soften these wrinkles, BOTOX is carefully injected to smooth the skin between the eyebrows, around the eyes (Crow's feet), and across the forehead.

What are the benefits of BOTOX?

Fine lines and facial folds can distract from our better attributes, as well as making us appear more aged than we are. BOTOX is an excellent method for helping you attain a more youthful, polished appearance. Although the outcomes are not permanent, you can reap the benefits for several months before wanting to schedule a touch-up procedure. You may also get added advantages from BOTOX at Hermosa Plastic Surgery, including:

  • Brief treatment sessions: BOTOX appointments may take as few as 10 minutes.
  • Very little rest or rehab: Due to the nonsurgical nature, you can be free to return to your daily life following appointments.
  • Minimal pain: BOTOX sessions employ a very small needle, making the treatments feel like a little prick of the skin.
  • Straightforward upkeep: Individuals who want to keep their appearance long-term will discover that follow-up treatment sessions are short and doable for day-to-day life.


Dysport is another wonderful injectable wrinkle relaxer, like BOTOX, to soften and reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines throughout the face. Dynamic wrinkles are formed by recurrent facial expressions and movements (like frowning, laughing, and smiling) that over time, make the muscles of the face taut. This causes the skin over the muscle to have a furrowed line that can be seen even when the face is resting. Dysport is uniquely designed to address the most frequent dynamic wrinkles, such as the frown lines that show up as vertical lines between the eyebrows (known to many as the 11s). Dysport also temporarily treats the muscle so the dynamic wrinkles lie smoothly with natural-looking results that don't give you a "frozen" face. Injections of Dysport are done in one of our procedure rooms following your consultation with Dr. Gallegos, lasting around 15 – 30 minutes. 

Am I A Candidate for BOTOX?

BOTOX injections are great for patients who wish to soften the visible look of dynamic lines and wrinkles on their upper face without surgery. BOTOX can also be used as a preventive anti-aging treatment even if you do not show signs of aging — keep in mind how often you find yourself making facial expressions. It's a terrific, noninvasive treatment if you are frustrated by forehead wrinkles or parallel lines between the brows. It is also a solution for lines around the eyes. If you experience more severe and deeper lines, a filler product may be more suitable. In addition, if you are over the age of 50 with sagging skin and widespread wrinkles, you may be considered for facelift surgery. This delivers a more impactful result, and it is longer-lasting. Hermosa Plastic Surgery offers eyelid surgeries, facelifts, and brow lifts as effective options.

How Does BOTOX Work?

BOTOX treatments are completed as an outpatient procedure conveniently at Hermosa Plastic Surgery. If it is your first time to visit our office in Albuquerque, NM to get BOTOX, we often perform the treatment on the same day as your initial consultation with Dr. Gallegos. You will be asked to make different expressions using your upper face, like frowning, squinting, smiling, etc., to help us to plan where the injections will be placed. The face will be prepared and BOTOX will be applied with a fine needle followed with a cool compress to help lessen swelling, bruising, and discomfort. You can ask for a numbing cream to help make the procedure more comfortable, but it usually is unnecessary. BOTOX treatments typically take around 10 – 15 minutes, then you may resume to your usual routine after a short rest.

What to Expect After BOTOX

Following the procedure, you may get back to your daily routine, although strenuous activity should be skipped for a minimum of one day. You will be advised to sleep with your head elevated for at least one night and to avoid touching your face, which can accidentally spread the BOTOX to other areas. The injected sections of your face can appear bruised, swollen, or red for 2 – 3 days, but you should not develop any serious or long-lasting side effects. In many cases, it usually takes around one week before the final results of BOTOX can be seen. The results usually last 3 – 4 months. You can talk to Dr. Gallegos about when to make your next appointment at Hermosa Plastic Surgery to extend your results.

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Average Procedure Time  
15 – 30 Minutes
Post-op Follow-up  
4 – 6 Months
Procedure Recovery Location  
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How much does BOTOX cost?
The cost of BOTOX will be based on the amount of product that is needed. This varies to fit your unique goals. In your consultation, Dr. Gallegos will develop your custom treatment plan, and then he can discuss cost estimates. BOTOX produces wonderful results when injected by an experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Gallegos. However, it can be dangerous if performed by someone who doesn't have experience, which is why you should avoid any place that is advertising discounted or off-brand injections. If you'd like to save money, ask for more information on the rewards programs we offer for other brands, like Dysport, as well for exclusive pricing.

How long will my results last after BOTOX?
Your BOTOX results may be visible for as long as four months. Usually, patients make an appointment every quarter to maintain their results; however, you can come back earlier. If you're using BOTOX before wrinkles are visible for a proactive measure, you can schedule treatments further apart. After hearing your concerns and developing your BOTOX plan, Dr. Gallegos will be able to tell you when you should make your next visit.

What's the difference between wrinkle relaxers and fillers?
Injectable wrinkle relaxers (including BOTOX) and injectable wrinkle fillers (including Restylane and Juvéderm) are both procedures that reduce wrinkles and correct fine lines. BOTOX works by relaxing overused muscles in your face that create dynamic wrinkles, including frown lines (which appear between your eyebrows), Crow's feet (which appear in the outer edges of your eyes), smile lines, and forehead wrinkles. Injectable fillers increase volume below the skin to correct depressions and improve static wrinkles. After hearing your goals, Dr. Gallegos may suggest BOTOX, fillers, or a "liquid facelift," which combines both.

What's the difference between BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin?
BOTOX, Xeomin, and Dysport are brands of wrinkle relaxers that contain botulinum toxin. Each of these relax the treated muscles to correct dynamic wrinkles; however, each brand is made to treat specific needs. Some of the small differences between them include the dosing amounts, how far the treatment spreads, and how long the results last. Dr. Gallegos will select the best injection to fit your goals.

Can men use BOTOX?
You may have heard the term "BROTOX" in reference to men receiving BOTOX injections for the same reasons women do. Now more than ever, men are relying on BOTOX to enhance their appearance and minimize aging signs. Men who want a more youthful look without the discomfort, expense, or recovery time of a surgical procedure can use BOTOX to get a refreshed look. Many patients come back for twice-yearly treatments. After several visits, the muscles become trained and relaxed, which can provide longer-term aesthetic benefits. In some instances, other treatments, such as skin resurfacing, facial fillers, and chemical peels, are used in combination with BOTOX.

Is BOTOX safe?
As long as it is used correctly, BOTOX should not cause serious complications. However, it's important to select someone with training in injecting BOTOX, like Dr. Gallegos. Overusing BOTOX may create bad results. An experienced practitioner will apply the right dose to safely relax the muscles causing unwanted wrinkles without affecting nearby muscles. Quickly becoming one of the most requested cosmetic treatments, it's considered safe and has earned approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Along with its cosmetic uses, BOTOX can also be used as a treatment for medical problems, like excessive sweating, facial spasms, migraines, and uncontrollable blinking.

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Let's Get Together for BOTOX

Come to our Albuquerque, NM plastic surgery practice for a BOTOX consultation. With this treatment, you can smile, laugh, frown, and make any face you want without developing lines and wrinkles with BOTOX wrinkle relaxer treatments. To prevent and smooth lines across the face, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Gallegos, at Hermosa Plastic Surgery to hear more about this popular, nonsurgical relaxer for wrinkles.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.